Looking back at 2018
Looking back at 2018
This year marks five years of Makerversity! We celebrated hard and looked back at all the amazing businesses we’ve supported over the years - you can check some of them out here
Our public programme has been growing over this year, check out what’s coming up as soon as it’s announced here.
We’ve delivered projects with Direct Line, AMEX, NBC & UCL to name a few.
We’re really proud of our Makers with a Mission cohort, working at the cutting edge of innovation, and not only that we opened our first members only cafe/bar The Paint Room!
Read on for our year in numbers…
Here's to them
Here's to them
making up 105 businesses
our residency scheme providing membership to maker teams changing the world.
our Under 25s Programme providing membership to under 25 year olds working on their own startups and maker projects
We work hard to support our members to grow successful businesses, on their terms.
We work hard to support our members to grow successful businesses, on their terms.
20% of all memberships & events are free
as part of our Working Lunch Series in London
BRM laser cutter with proper extraction and room air exchange
Spray booth
Industrial sewing machine and overlocker
our new members cafe bar serving coffee, cake, cocktails and beers!
What happened down at Makerversity
What happened down at Makerversity
at Somerset House, you can check them out here
attended our own events, meetups, craft sessions or talks
part of our Cultural Programme
Here's where the "versity" comes in...
Here's where the "versity" comes in...
attended learning events, talks and workshops across sites.
participated in learning events or hosted work experience candidates.
working with Makerversity and our member businesses
including schools workshops, intensive design courses and adult learning workshops
We’re gearing up for a powerful 2019 and can’t wait for you to join us
With love
The MV Team x